The HUMBLE SMILE FOUNDATION is an international group of committed dentists who are passionate about making good oral health a fundamental human right and helping to prevent oral diseases through preventive measures. We promote effective health initiatives anywhere in the world where The task force is extremely large. The Task Force of the Hublensmile Foundation consists of established dentists and global market leaders. Through their professional and pedagogical efforts, they have now reached a certain prominence among their colleagues and raise awareness of your colleagues around the world. As an ambassador, Dr. Sebastian and his team in Burkina Faso actively support a school project of the Stern Stewart Institute.


MAX 36 - Dental practice
for esthetic dental medicine
and treatment Munich.
Dr. Mark T. Sebastian
Maximilianstraße 36  I  80539 München

Book appointments online
Telephone: 089 22 80 16 00
Fax: 089 22 80 16 06

© Max 36 - Zahnarzt Praxis für ästhetische Zahnmedizin und Funktion in München.
(Veneers, Zahnersatz, Implantate, Bleaching, Invisalign, CMD, Kieferorthopädie, Implantate Zahnfleischbehandlung)
